This is always a dilemma for employers - to hire new employees with desired skills or to train an existing ones? There is no perfect answer to that question. Personnel training is often a matter of time and finance that employer is willing and can afford to invest. Here are some ideas for employers interested in retaining existing workforce and to make employees work more efficiently.
Posted on Feb 20, 2016
The New California Assembly Bill, Assembly Bill 288 (AB288), aims at improving student transfer rates by encouraging high school students to take free community college courses, that can be applied both to a college degree and a high school diploma.
Posted on Feb 04, 2016
In 2015, the Millennials became the largest generation in the US labor force. As such, they had the largest impact on the workforce and the dynamics in the workplace. They are the most active and engaged in social networking, and use technology more frequently than the older generations to stay connected with friends, family and colleagues. How does this affect the landscape of the workplace and the business world in general?
Posted on Jan 31, 2016