DSST Get College Credit exams are college subject exams that you can take to earn college credit for knowledge you acquired outside of a traditional classroom. There are 38 subject exams from which to select in disciplines such as Business, Humanities, Mathematics, Physical Science and more.
All 38 subject exams have been reviewed and approved for credit by the American Council on Education (ACE). The ACE provides both a recommended passing score and number of credits that could be awarded to successful students. Each exam has been recommended for three credits.
Simplex United Business & Career Center is Authorized DANTES Fully Funded DSST Test Center, open for public. Everyone can take any of DSST exams here just give us a call few days in advance and we will reserve a spot for you. Exam fee is paid to DSST at time of exam. In addition, we charge $45/exam proctoring fee. Exam and proctoring fee are waived for active duty military members (first attempts only, see more information below).
Don't miss a chance to try your exam prior to your actual test. Free practice tests are available on DSST website.
DSST Get College Credit exams can also help you:
Social Sciences
Physical Science
DSST exams allow military personnel and veterans to further their educational goals while being deployed, on a military base or after term of service is completed.
As an active duty, guard or reserve military member, your first attempt on any DSST exam is funded by DANTES. You can take any exam at an on-base or on-campus facility. Veterans eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill can be reimbursed for DSST exams. DSST is an approved VA National Testing Program.