Internship programs

Hire intern for mutual benefits

Simplex United Business and Career Center promotes, establishes and sustains relationships with potential employers to strengthen employment and internship opportunities for our customers. We help employers and candidates to meet mutual interests and work in compliance with Federal and State regulations.

We recognize that it is especially important for students to get an experience in the workplace, where they are able to learn business etiquette, get familiar with the work environment and get to work on projects with colleagues.

Internship is an essential step to follow any theoretical training, as it creates opportunities for profession-ready students and graduates to test their skills in the real-life setting and evaluate their preparedness to enter a particular professional field. Internships provide a step toward transition from academia to the world of business and services. They establish work experience that builds and improve resumes. Most importantly, internships can greatly help in decision-making process about one’s future track for career development.

Companies that are willing to work with interns can also benefit greatly. Interns can bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to the company. Interns can also establish a long-term working relationship with the company, as they be trained and retained, as part of the workforce once the internship is over.

Simplex United provides a greater chance of finding exciting opportunities of landing internships with local businesses in Yucaipa, CA and throughout Inland Empire