CPR AED Saved His Life

Because first responders were there on time, they were able to do a successful round of CPR on Michael. CPR helps keep blood flow through the brain. As mentioned in the article, Michael was seen smiling at his dad after waking up from an induced coma. Michael did not suffer brain damage from his cardiac arrest due to the AED used on him. Once Michael was admitted to the hospital, the doctors diagnosed him with a rare brain tumor, CARDIAC FIBROMA, that can stop the blood flow through his heart. Michael's family has started a GoFundMe to get the surgery Michael needs. CPR can save anyone's life if done properly and right away. If you want to get trained on CPR and AED check out our upcoming classes and learn how you can save a life.

If you want to help out or if you want to read the whole stroy by CNN, the links are right below.

Michael's Miracle

Baby Smiles At Dad After Waking Up From A Coma

Posted in Blog, News on Oct 29, 2019

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