Posts with tag "recruiting"

    How to take the guesswork out of recruitment and reduce your hiring cost

    How to take the guesswork out of recruitment and reduce your hiring cost

    Optimization of your company’s hiring process today can save you valuable time in the future. Pre-employment testing allows you to significantly narrow down the pool of job applicants to find the most suitable candidate. Pre-employment testing also reduces employee turnover, since qualified employees are more likely to stay with the company longer and be more productive. In addition, these tests aid in eliminating the potential for bias that can occur during the hiring process.

    Posted on Jun 03, 2016

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    Innovations and technology in workplace - how do they benefit employer?

    Innovations and technology in workplace - how do they benefit employer?

    In 2015, the Millennials became the largest generation in the US labor force. As such, they had the largest impact on the workforce and the dynamics in the workplace. They are the most active and engaged in social networking, and use technology more frequently than the older generations to stay connected with friends, family and colleagues. How does this affect the landscape of the workplace and the business world in general?

    Posted on Jan 31, 2016

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