Is online testing secure?

Pre-employment assessment has become an essential requirement for many positions today. However, whether or not online testing is actually secure is a legitimate, ongoing question. The E-learning industry has thrived within the last decade, and proctoring services have greatly improved the ability to monitor candidates during the assessment and subsequent grading process.

With the use of advanced proctoring services, companies can effectively monitor the entire assessment process, which provides an accountable basis upon which candidates may be evaluated.

Making use of proctored pre-employment assessment services can greatly benefit organizations and hiring agencies that want their prospective candidates to undergo a pre-employment evaluation. These services not only ensure that the most qualified candidates are hired, but provides a trustworthy method for companies to test future applicants. Given the continual growth of the e-learning industry, it is essential that efficient proctoring services emerge.

Without question, online testing is much more secure with the use of these services. Government organizations such as the U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Customs, the telecommunications, and other require proctoring services to conduct pre-employment assessment tests and promotional testing for their applicants. The process proves to be an efficient and reliable way to hire right candidate or evaluate the performance of employees.


Posted in Blog on May 14, 2016

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